Add a Grade Category to Gradebook

Grade categories are useful for grouping assignments together, calculating subtotals, and making special calculations such as dropping the lowest grades.

  1. Select Gradebook Setup.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of table and select the Add Category button. The New category page will open.
  3.  Grade category > Enter a Category name and select category options. 
    • The aggregation determines how grades in a category are combined, such as
      • Mean of grades - The sum of all grades divided by the total number of grades
      • Median of grades - The middle grade when grades are arranged in order of size
      • Lowest grade
      • Highest grade
      • Mode of grades - The grade that occurs the most frequently
      • Natural - The sum of all grade values scaled by weight
  4. Category Total.
    • Maximum grade and Minimum grade. This setting determines the maximum  and minimum grade when using the value grade type.
    • Grade to pass. This setting determines the minimum grade required to pass.
    • Overall decimal points. This setting determines the number of decimal points to display for each grade. It has no effect on grade calculations, which are made with an accuracy of 5 decimal places.
    • Hidden. If ticked, grades are hidden from students. A hidden until date may be set if desired, to release grades after grading is completed.
    • Locked. If ticked, grades can no longer be automatically updated by the related activity.
    • Weight Adjusted. Uncheck this to reset a grade item weight to its automatically calculated value. Checking this will prevent the weight being automatically adjusted.
    • Weight. A value used to determine the relative value of multiple grade items in a category or course.
  5. Save changes. The Categories and items page will open, displaying the new category.