Office of Disability Service Accommodation Alternative Option

ODS Accommodation Alternative Option

  1. Turn the editing on on your homepage
  2. Go to exam you wish to duplicate
  3. Select "edit"
  4. Select "Duplicate"
  5. Exam will now be duplicated
  6. Go to new copy of exam
  7. Select "Edit Settings"
  8. Restrict Access
  9. Add Restriction
  10. User Profile
  11. Student Must Match the Following
  12. User Profile "Email Address" is equal to [insert email]
  13. Select Eye to ensure that only this student may see exam
  14. Save
  15. Go to Original Exam
  16. Repeat steps 7-10
  17. "Student Must Not match"  User profield email address Email is equal to [insert email]  OR "Student Must Match" and "Email address doesn't contain"
  18. Select Eye Icon
  19. Save
  20. Ensure that ODS student(s) have been given the extended time required for quiz or exam