Grade Total Not Showing?

If you notice that your grade total is not showing, try one of the following:

1. Ensuring that your gradebook is in total view mode: This will be done in the "View" section of the gradebook. In the "View" section, select "Grader report":

 Will show the grade total only

Will show grade items only, however no total

Will show grade items and total.

2. In the event that this does not work, you will need to be in the grader report of your gradebook and turn the editing on. You will need to scroll down to the total and ensure that the total is not hidden or locked. If it is, you may unhide the total.

3. Sometimes simply changing the aggregation once and changing the aggregation back to what you had it at will do the trick by recalculating the grades.  See article on aggregations here.

See video below for demonstration: