Decide what you’re going to do about any high-stakes assessments, particularly exams

By Michelle D. Miller, Professor of Psychological Sciences at Northern Arizona University. 

Edited for McNeese Faculty, Dr. Wendi Prater, Director of eLearning

Decide what you’re going to do about any high-stakes assessments, particularly exams. There are no easy answers here, es­pecially if you planned to have a good chunk of a student’s grade hinge on what would have been a proctored, in-person test. Per­haps you could take another route to sum­mative assessment for the course, such as replacing a big supervised test with some type of project that is easier to personalize and less dependent on proctoring.

You also could use online proctoring, McNeese offers two test proctoring solutions: Respondus and ProctorU.  This knowledgebase has several articles to help you set up both in Moodle.  Simply use the search toolbar to find the articles.