Importing questions in Moodle

  1. In the administration block of your course, locate the “question bank” dropdown option. 


  1. Select that menu, and then select “categories” 


  1. The following should appear: 




  1. Give your new category a name and select “Add Category” 


  1. Return to the “Categories” page 

  1. Select the drop box and now your new category should appear 



  1. You may drag a file or choose a file to place 

NOTE: This file must be saved as a “text file”, preferably “Plain Text”   

  1. Once you have the file of your choice, you will import the file by selecting “Import” 


  1. If all is well with the file, the following will appear. 

  1. Select “Continue” 

  1. The imported question now appears in your Question Bank 


  1. You may move this question to the category of your choice by selecting the box to the left of the question then selecting the dropdown menu next to the “Move To >>” button at the bottom of the screen.  


  1. Select the “Move to >>” button. 


  1. Return to the “Questions” section and select the new category. 

  1. The question is now in the new category! 


  1. To preview the question select the magnifying glass option (blue square has been placed around magnifying class for better identification in this example 


  1. Your question is now available. 


  1. To Import a Short Answer question, you would follow the same procedure(s), except, you would select “Gift Format” rather than “Aiken format” 






  1. To export a question from a file, you will select “Export” from the “Question Bank” menu 

  1. Select the “Gift Format” 



  1. Select “Export questions to file”  


  1. The following should appear: 


  1. You may select how you want the file to save, in the example; we are going to select “Notepad” which is our default. 



  1. Click “OK” 

  1. In the top right portion of the screen, check the download status and select to view the folder that file is in (generally this will appear in your “downloads” folder). 




  1. File should now appear in “downloads” folder.