AI Prompts to Identify High Wage High Demand (HWHD) job skills for course topics and activities

There are several AI prompts an instructor might use to identify High Wage High Demand (HWHD) job skills for topics and activities in a course. Once the skills are identified, Instructors can then add the information into the activity description and check the box below the activity to display the description in the course or you can use the "Label" activity to add job skills information to each course topic.

  • For an Activity, open the activity and select the gear icon to edit settings.  Copy and paste the job skills into the Description section, and also select the box to "Display description on course page".  Save.
  • To add a label to a Course Topic, open the course in Moodle; then turn editing on. Scroll to topic and select "Add an activity or resource".  Add label.  Then, copy and paste job skills into the "Label text". Save.

eLearning has multiple AI prompt templates with examples that instructors can use to create High Wage High Demand (HWHD) activities for online courses.  To access, log into Moodle, then select the Employee Training pinned at the top of the dashboard; next select the AI Training and Prompts tile in the course shell.

To effectively use AI for identifying High Wage High Demand (HWHD) job skills, instructors can use a variety of prompts. Here are some examples:

General Prompts for Courses and Topics in a Course

Identifying Skills:

  • What are the top skills required for high-wage, high-demand jobs in [industry/field]?
  • List the essential job skills for high-demand roles in [specific job title].

Industry Trends:

  • What are the current trends in the [industry/field] that influence HWHD job skills? 
  • How has the job market for [industry/field] evolved in recent years in terms of required skills?

Specific Prompts for Course Alignment

Course Objectives:

  • How can I align my course objectives in [subject] to the skills needed for HWHD jobs in [industry/field]?
  • What learning outcomes should I include in a course on [subject] to ensure students gain HWHD job skills?

Activity Design:

  • Suggest project-based activities for a course on [subject] that help students develop HWHD job skills in [industry/field].
  • What types of assignments can help students practice the top skills needed for high-demand roles in [specific job title]?

Tool and Technology Integration:

  • Which tools and technologies should I incorporate into my [subject] course to prepare students for HWHD jobs in [industry/field]?
  •  Recommend software or platforms commonly used in [industry/field] that can be integrated into course activities.

Engaging with Industry

Guest Speakers and Industry Engagement:

  • What topics should guest speakers from [industry/field] cover to help students understand HWHD job skills?
  • How can I facilitate meaningful interactions between students and professionals in high-demand careers?

Internships and Practicums:

  • How can I structure internships or practicum experiences in [subject] to ensure they align with HWHD job skills?
  • What should I look for in internship opportunities to ensure they provide relevant HWHD job skills?

Assessment and Feedback


  • What types of assessments are best for evaluating HWHD job skills in a course on [subject]?
  • How can I create rubrics that align with industry standards for evaluating student performance in HWHD job skills?

Reflection and Continuous Improvement

Student Reflection:

  • What reflection prompts can I give students to help them connect their learning to HWHD job skills? 
  • How can I encourage students to reflect on the relevance of course activities to their future careers in [industry/field]?

Continuous Improvement:

  • How can I gather feedback from students and industry professionals to continuously improve my course's alignment with HWHD job skills?
  • What strategies can I use to keep my course content updated with the latest HWHD job skills trends in [industry/field]?

Practical Example Prompts for a Specific Field

For a course in Data Science:

  • Skills Identification:
    • What are the top skills required for high-wage, high-demand jobs in Data Science?
  • Project Design:
    • Suggest a capstone project for a Data Science course that helps students develop skills needed for high-demand roles.
  • Tool Integration:
    • Which data analysis tools are essential for Data Science jobs, and how can I integrate them into my course activities?
  • Guest Speakers:
    • What should guest speakers from the Data Science industry focus on to help students understand HWHD job skills?

Using these prompts, instructors can leverage AI to gain insights and guidance on aligning their course activities with the skills needed for high-wage, high-demand jobs.