
Use the steps below to either provide access to BigBlueButton videos recorded in a prior semester or to add a new BBB activity in a course shell.

BigBlueButton Support for Moodle

Use BBB search engine

Provide access to videos recorded in a prior semester:

 1.  Locate the Recorded Videos:

  • Log in to Moodle and navigate to the course where the videos were originally recorded.
  • Go to the BigBlueButton activity where the recordings are stored.
  •  Under the "Recordings" tab, you will see a list of all recorded sessions. Copy the links to the recordings you want to share.

2.  Create a Resource in the Current Course:

  • Go to the current course where you want students to access the videos.
  • Turn editing on.
  • In the section where you want to add the videos, click "Add an activity or resource."
  • Choose "URL" if you want to provide a direct link to the video, or "Page" if you want to embed the video with additional context.

3.  Add the Video Links:

For URL:

  • Enter the name of the video (e.g., "Lecture on Market Analysis").
  • Paste the link you copied earlier into the "External URL" field.
  • Save and return to the course.

 For Page:

  • Enter the name of the page.
  • In the content area, use the HTML editor to embed the video. You can paste the link or use an embed code if available.
  • Save and return to the course.

4.   Adjust Access Permissions (Optional):  If you want to restrict access to specific students or time frames, you can do this by editing the "Restrict access" settings for the URL or Page.

Add a new BigBlueButton activity in a course shell:

1.  Log in to Moodle and Access Your Course:  From the Dashboard or the “My Courses” section, select the course where you want to add the BigBlueButton activity.

2.  Turn Editing On:  In the course, click the “Turn editing on” button, which is located at the top-right corner of the course page.

3.   Add a BigBlueButton Activity:

  • In the section where you want to add the BigBlueButton activity, click “Add an activity or resource.”
  • From the list of activities, select “BigBlueButtonBN” (this is the standard label for BigBlueButton in Moodle).

4.   Configure the BigBlueButton Activity:

  • Name: Enter a name for the session, such as “Weekly Meeting” or “Live Lecture.”
  • Description:  You can provide a description of the session. This can include instructions or expectations for the session.  You can choose to display this description on the course page by ticking the “Display description on course page” checkbox.

Room/Activity Settings:

Session:  Decide whether this is a scheduled session or an open one that students can join at any time.

  • Record Settings:  Choose whether you want to allow the session to be recorded. You can also allow users to start the recording.
  • Open/Close Times:  Set specific times when the session will be available. This is useful for live classes scheduled at specific times.
  • Participants:  Decide whether you want to restrict access to specific groups or roles within the course.

Privacy Settings:  You can choose whether to display the names of users who join the session, which might be useful for tracking attendance.

Notifications:  You can configure notifications to be sent to participants about the session.

5.  Save and Return to Course:  Once you’ve configured the settings, scroll down and click either “Save and return to course” if you’re done or “Save and display” if you want to review the activity immediately.

6.   Communicate with Students:  Inform your students about the BigBlueButton session, especially if it’s scheduled for a specific time.

7.   Access the Session:  When it’s time for the session, you and your students can click on the BigBlueButton activity link in the course to join the session.

Additional Tips:

  • Recording:  If recording is enabled, remind students when the recording is starting. After the session ends, the recording will automatically appear in the same BigBlueButton activity under the “Recordings” tab. If the lecture time was long, it can take several minutes for the recording to render and appear in the "Recordings tab".
  • Breakout Rooms:  If you plan to use breakout rooms during the session, it’s good to familiarize yourself with this feature beforehand.

Need additional help BigBlueButton? Ask AI or eLearning.

eLearning has additional BigBlueButton resources in the Employee Training pinned at the top of your Moodle dashboard; select the BigBlueButton Training and Support tile. 

Questions or concerns about BigBlueButton, Submit a Ticket or for training help contact Wendi Prater, eLearning Department at 337-475-5126 or by email