Download a video from BigBlueButton

This will require two steps. First, downloading the link and second, converting the file.

Step 1: Downloading a link from Big Blue Button to your phone, desktop, or laptop may done via web2.0.  

1. Locate the lecture to download or view at a later period. 


2. For this example, the part of September 11th will be selected. You will click that lecture and you should now see a page that looks like this: 


3. Right click the link and select “Save Link As”  


4. You will probably need to rename the file, as the file names for these HTMLs are often rather long.  

Step 2: Covert the File 

1. Once you have saved this html where you desire (It is recommended that it be saved on a USB so that it will be easier to find), you need to go to This tool is free of charge, with no download required.  

2. You can select the format that you wish to convert this file to, and for this example, “Android” will be selected.   When one looks at the image above, the option to upload your file or enter a URL directly will be available. In this example, we have a HMTL file so that will be selected. 

3. After the file is selected, we will start the conversion.  


4. Once the conversion is complete, at the bottom of the computer screen, an option will appear to open the file direct or save it to a folder of your choice. It is recommended that this be saved in a Video folder on your desktop or a USB. You give the file any name of your choice, however symbols such as “?” “/”, “@”, “#”, etc. are not permitted. 



5. Once saved in the folder of one’s choice. The file should now be available in the folder that it was saved in. Our file is now selected in blue.