Copy exams, test, quizzes, and other activities to another course

To copy particular items, such as assignments, quizzes, or PDF files, from one course into another course, use the Moodle Import tool. To import an entire course, see the  "Transfer, move or copy a course from a prior term" article or the "Transfer, move or copy a course from another instructor" article for help.

When copying individual items between Moodle courses, please note:

  • Copied items will include settings such as due dates and grade settings, but will not include student submissions to activities, such as Forum posts or Glossary contributions.
  • Copied items will need to be checked for Group settings and Restrict Access settings.

If you need additional help with this topic or have questions, contact the eLearning department at 337-475-512-5126 or email Wendi Prater (

Prepare Items to Copy

Before you start importing content, we recommend doing a little preparation in the course you are copying from.  Note: This step is especially important if the target course already contains any content. Read steps here.

Import Items into the Target Course

In the Moodle course you will copy into, to import the item(s). Read steps here.

Clean Up Imported Content

Be sure to attend to these important tasks, as needed. Read steps here.